Vic Falls
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Discover Africa’s Hidden Gem, with its remarkable national parks, five World Heritage Sites, and diverse wildlife.

From the spectacular thundering Victoria Falls, to walking safaris in Mana Pools, the savannahs of Hwange, and rock paintings in Matopos, Zimbabwe offers something special for everyone!

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What we love

It is one of Southern Africa’s most authentic Big Game safari destinations, offering rugged off-the-beaten track experiences.

  1. You’ll have time to shop at the market within Victoria Falls village, the perfect place to pick out a souvenir to commemorate your once-in-a-lifetime experience!
  2. For the adventurous, the bungee jump off the bridge is an exhilarating experience!
  3. At over 300 km long, the Zambezi River is the longest east-flowing river in Africa. The sundown cruise is an absolute must.
  4. The spray from the Falls averages about 400 meters in height and can be seen from 45 km away. When flying in to Victoria Falls, it is the enormous plume of spray you will spot first as it rises over the bush.

Victoria Falls — known locally as “The Smoke that Thunders” — is an enormous downpour formed by the Zambezi River as it plummets over 100 meters into a massive gorge, and has been a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1989. The world-famous waterfall sustains an immense rainforest ecosystem along the Zimbabwe-Zambia border in Southern Africa.

It supports more than 400 species of exotic plants, tropical birds and primates. Guests from all around the world travel to the Falls to catch a glimpse of this towering waterfall and its diverse wildlife.

Untouched Jewel of Africa

Zimbabwe is a song which once heard, is never forgotten. The country boasts many other magnificent tourism attractions - to name a few: these are the mythical Kariba and Mighty Zambezi, Hwange and many other national parks, Mana Pools, and the mystique of the Eastern Highlands - called Little England for its evergreen pastures. A visit to the Great Zimbabwe Monument, a World Heritage Site, is a must.

Great Zimbabwe is indeed a testament to the resilience and strength of the people who lived here centuries ago.

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